7 Communication Skills

Want to stand out from the competition

These are the top 10 communication skills that recruiters and hiring managers want to see on you.

Highlight these skills and demonstrate them during job interviews, and you’ll make a solid first impression.
Continue to develop these skills once you’re hired, and you’ll impress your boss, teammates, and customers.

1. Effective Listening

Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator.
Active listening involves paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and rephrasing what the person says to ensure understanding.
Take the time to practice active listening.

2. Nonverbal Communication

Your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone all color the message you are trying to convey. A relaxed, open stance (arms open, legs relaxed), and a friendly tone will make you appear approachable and will encourage others to speak openly with you.
Often, nonverbal signals convey how a person is really feeling. For example, if the person is not looking you in the eye, he or she might be uncomfortable or hiding the truth.

3. Clarity and Concision

Say what you want clearly and directly, whether you’re speaking to someone in person, on the phone, or via email
Think about what you want to say before you say it; this will help you to avoid talking excessively and/or confusing your audience.

4. Never Fight Feelings

Feelings and emotions are non-explainable attachments. For example you can not argue someone who like the “green” color. Also you can not argue someone for his believes. Never.

5. Avoid Fire balls

Strictly Avoid discussions in a) Politics, b) Religion, and c) Football teams. All these topics are emotion-based and are considered as “ticking-bon”. review previous point.

6. Respect

People will be more open to communicating with you if you convey respect for them and their ideas. Simple actions like using a person’s name, making eye contact, and actively listening when a person speaks will make the person feel appreciated.

7. Feedback

Being able to appropriately give and receive feedback is an important communication skill.
Giving feedback involves giving praise as well – something as simple as saying “good job” or “thanks for taking care of that”

Go … give it a try

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