Flow-Leadership Skills

Excerpt from the “Missing Link Discovered” book

A key task in order to build scientific measures relating to Flow-based leadership personalities and competencies was identifying the management/leadership skills that facilitate the creation and maintenance of a Flow-based organizational culture.

It is important to stress that approximately 25 of the 29 skills are by and large those that can be found in most theoretical and empirical descriptions of what leadership is about, along with the skill-classification systems that often accompany those theories and descriptions. This, of course, is what one would expect as a matter of course. Generating Flow is not something that is apart from those well-known practices that good managers/leaders are expected to follow as a matter of course.

The newly-emphasized skills are:

  1. Balancing skill;
  2. Feedback;
  3. Applying personal strengths;
  4. Strategic thinking.


Read more in our new book “Missing Link Discovered” by: Marer-Buzady-Vecsey

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